Saturday, October 2, 2010

Post-mortem, regrets etc.

Looking at the weather outside tonight it is easy to justify our decision to give up.  Let's be clear though; we did give up.  50k is a good walk but it isn't what we set out to do, so to everyone who has already sponsored us; we're very sorry.  We do hope you'll think the achievement worthwhile all the same.  For us, it has really brought home just how hard it must be for those who have to walk,and walk, and walk in search of life's essentials. Not for them the luxury of calling someone to drive them home if they are in trouble.

Even with four separate light sources it was impossible to see our way across the last field before we called it a day, such was the intensity of the rainfall.  Wendy had slipped and fallen in the mud early in the day and, athough she (and I!) laughed it off at the time, by evening she was limping.  Given that she is soon to depart for the Dominican Republic to work as a microfinance volunteer, for me the decision about whether or not to continue was not that hard.  In the village of Easton, achingly near our destination, while Wendy busied herself with a comfort break and in spite of her determination to get to Winchester, I phoned home.

So now we're shuffling around the kitchen, going "ow!" a lot but at least feeling that we have achieved something.  I read that the recommended period for completing Saint Swithun's Way in one direction is 3 days.  But for 4k we did it in 1 day, so if you'll forgive us we will allow ourselves a very tiny, very quiet, high five.  Thank you!

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